Monday, September 26, 2011

Tattoo Girls Slide Shows

If you like tattoo girls be enjoy these slide shows..

Sunday, September 25, 2011

How to Get Sexy Tattoos

Are you a tattoo fanatic? If so, what is the appeal? Do you think they make you look sexy? A tattoo can be seen as an art form and can therefore help the wearer appear somewhat artistic. This itself can contribute to the tattoo being seen by others as a sexy symbol. Clearly, there are plenty of ways to identify a beautiful and attractive tattoo. Some people assume a sexy tattoo has to be beautiful. Others find tribal tattoos attractive. In some cases it is tattoos with abstract images that might be the center of attraction. There are many ways to categorize a sexy tattoo for a sexy style is like beauty itself, to be found in the eyes of the beholder.
There are no specific guidelines for creating a sexy tattoo. Although they may be beautiful, not all of them are sexy. This article provides some tips on how to come up with a Sexy Tattoos.
First, you must understand that the attitude of the person wearing the tattoo will moderate any inherent beauty and sexiness of the design. If a person feels and believes that he or she has a sexy tattoo, it will show naturally through their persona. Other people will recognize whether or not they see a tattoo as being sexy, immediately they set eyes upon it. This is very much influenced by the way in which the tattoo is presented or portrayed. Sometimes sexiness is not found in the design, but instead, is found in one's attitude towards the over all affect.

You must think about how to best present your tattoo. Remember that in one way or another your tattoo represents about you. To be really serious about getting a sexy tattoo, the first thing you must do is work out how to feel and lively and sexy. Tattoo artists can execute your desired design, but it will never look sexy if you do not have the right attitude. Wear your tattoo with confidence. Some people choose to have the name of their loved one tattooed on their back, arms etc., but most tattoo artists discourage this owing to the possibility of break up or other future sad experiences. In these circumstances, the original purpose of the tattoo may well be diminished and in extreme cases have negative consequences for one or both parties.
Whenever you decide to wear a tattoo, it is important to carefully choose your design. The over all impact must be fulfilling and comforting. You must also decide upon the right location for your tattoo. If you do intend to have a sexy tattoo, consider putting it in some private area of your body. It will definitely give an air of mystery and appear sexy knowing that only limited people are given the opportunity to see it. However, you must remember too that the body area you choose may be subject to some natural change with age which may then affect the overall attributes of your tattoo.
Some women prefer to have their ankle tattooed because it looks 'hot'. It can have even more impact if they wear an impressive pair of shoes or sandals. Others choose their belly button area, inner thigh, or tailbone as location of their tattoo.
Sexy tattoos are often located on the lower portion of the back. Why? Well, our lower back emphasizes figures and curves. Tattoos placed in this location will certainly look sensual and sexy. You can also put your tattoo right at the back of your neck or at your lower waist area.
Clearly it is best to think carefully before deciding upon all aspects of a sexy tattoo, but in particular it is important to remember that a truly sexy tattoo is judged on how and where it is displayed as much as the inherent beauty of its design.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Lots of Hot Female Ink Uploaded Regularly

Welcome to the female tattoo gallery. One of the most frequently repeated reasons a tattoo artist gets from female clientèle when they go to get a tattoo is that they just broke up with their boyfriend. Women very often visit a tattooist when their divorce papers are signed. The ratio of female to men in some studios can be as high as 60% women to 40% men.

It appears that many women get tattoos when they've experienced some kind of major life change or crisis. Those changes can range from the death of a loved one to marriage to childbirth or a new job. This isn't really a new practice but is one which is actually goes back thousands in traditional or tribal cultures.
So what are the most popular tattoos for women? It seems anything floral, tribal designs across the lower back, fairies, unicorns, butterflies, and sunflowers are the go for female tattoos. Dolphins were the most popular tattoos for women, in around the 1990's but are a bit clichéd now. Tattoo designs are just like fashion and are constantly changing and morphing.

Hot girls with tattoos in the female tattoo gallery.

A lot of women are starting to request larger customized tattoos on more visible parts of their bodies, like arms and legs. The ankle and lower back are common places for female tattoos, but the stigma towards women with tattoos seems to be disappearing so women are getting larger and more prominent tattoos such as chestpieces and full or half sleeve tattoos.
Women are also putting tattoos on their ankles and shoulders more so now than in the past, when women would get ink on their breasts or thighs. Part of the artist's job is to help the client select a design or location that will accentuate a certain part or shape of the body.
Women are generally more style conscious than men so are more discerning about what tattoo they want and where on their body they want it. Men mostly pick out a tattoo, choose a spot on their body and thats it.
According to many tattoo artists - women are much better than men when getting tattooed. Men like to think they are tough can withstand the pain. But when the needle hits their skin they pass out in the chair. Women, on the other hand anticipate the pain and have a higher tolerance.

Hot girls with tattoos in the female tattoo gallery.

Hot girls with tattoos in the female tattoo gallery.

Hot girls with tattoos in the female tattoo gallery.

Hot girls with tattoos in the female tattoo gallery.

Hot girls with tattoos in the female tattoo gallery.

Hot girls with tattoos in the female tattoo gallery.

Hot girls with tattoos in the female tattoo gallery.

Hot girls with tattoos in the female tattoo gallery.

Hot girls with tattoos in the female tattoo gallery.

Hot girls with tattoos in the female tattoo gallery.

Hot girls with tattoos in the female tattoo gallery.

Hot girls with tattoos in the female tattoo gallery.

Hot girls with tattoos in the female tattoo gallery.

Hot girls with tattoos in the female tattoo gallery.

Hot girls with tattoos in the female tattoo gallery.

Hot girls with tattoos in the female tattoo gallery.

Hot girls with tattoos in the female tattoo gallery.

Hot girls with tattoos in the female tattoo gallery.